Principle 1
Project 3 – Give with Hearts of Purpose
Isn’t it interesting how disciplined we have to be to write one special handwritten note to someone per day? We have had people report that these letters of gratitude and meaning have been in their minds for over 2 years but never completed until Project Purpose. We are now at 730 participants with a goal of 90 letters in 90 days going out per participant. Whenever we approach life with positive, giving, loving hearts we find purpose and meaning and joy! We have been gifted so much, so let’s take a few minutes each morning to share our Hearts of Purpose with others! We don’t even have to watch for the value as the value is immediate as we write each one and send it off. Many are already reporting great value after only 3 days on this project! Give…your Heart of Purpose and your Gratitude!
I am loving this whole project and the writing of letters and notes to others. I have reached out to people I have not spoken to in awhile other than the yearly Christmas letter. It is wonderful to reach out more and really tell them personally all they have meant to me and what they have contributed to the "me" I am today. Thank you for shining the light on doing this...I have always been a grateful person but really taking the time to show it to others is just amazing! :)
ReplyDeletePatti, you are totally RIGHT ON in everything you have posted so far. My only suggestion is that in Project #1 we need to live the WHOLE DAY in an attitude of gratitude, not just start the day that way.
ReplyDeleteAs for Project #2, quiet time and creativity time, this is so important! Time spent alone with just myself and Jesus is the best time of the day! I have been starting the day like this for about a year now, and what a difference it has made in my life--on every level. In fact, it is in this quite time with the Lord that He has blessed me with the creative ideas that have taken us to Gold Director and allowed us to help hundreds of people here in El Paso lose weight!
I still cry with tears of joy when I watch the video of testimonials from our weight loss contest last year. God will do amazing things if we just sit quiet long enough to hear from Him! If anybody wants to look at the video that makes me cry it is posted at www.TrinityHealthCoaching.com
And today’s project #3—sending a note a day—WOW!
Not an email, but an actual old fashioned note! All we get are bills and advertisements in the mail now a days. Bob and I are going to go shopping tomorrow and buy a weeks worth of special cards. Then we will address them to the 7 people for the week and set them on our desk so we don't forget. (They will be sitting there as a reminder for us each day to write a note in a card and drop it in the mail.)
Today we got amazing customer service from and IRS agent. After days of getting agents who were a total pain in the tail, this guy helped us figure out what was going on with the paperwork-- and he did it with a great attitude. (The others, well, I won't say what they were like.) Bob asked this guy for the name of his supervisor. We are sending our first card to this guy's supervisor thanking him for doing such a good job training this guy on customer service!!!
Who knows, maybe it will get him a raise. He deserves it as he was so helpful to us today. WE CAN MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE--ONE CARD AT A TIME!
Vicki Mihalyov
Gold Director, El Paso, TX
Today I sent packages with letters of thanks and gratitude to one of the Chaplain's Assistants who is serving in Iraq. She will distribute the goodies among the men and women she serves. These brave men and women work so hard. They miss their familes so much and it comforts them to know they are cared about and prayed for. It is a blessing to give back to those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and the hope of freedom for others.
ReplyDeleteIn my next packages I will be sending REV3, along with other USANA products, to help them keep going. I reminded them how much their work means to us and to those they are helping to live free. I told them they are not forgotten and that they are loved and prayed for often.
In this project I gave with purpose and gratitude and pray that God will use these packages to bless hearts with His love and joy.
Patti it is such a joy to begin each day with quiet time spent together with God. I had been doing this, along with journaling for years, but lately had wandered away from this lifeline. When my day begins this way I am filled with peace that passes understanding. Thank you for the reminder of how my day should begin.
Hi Patti,
ReplyDeleteThis is very interesting.... so far I have set my 10 percent aside. I have yet to even make a decision on what I am going to give to. I will most likely be CHF, however since I contribute to that monthly, I am considering something else....
So I have Usana income plus, I am a waitress... So last night I took out the 10 percent marked it down on an envelope. This evening, I had a table that tipped me 180 dollars on 277. So anyone who knows how this works, normally when you are serving and you are good, you get between 15 and 20 percent of the total, which I normally do..
This blew my mind tonight and I have only just begun... WOW.
Thanks for allowing me to join you at the late date.... you sent me an email saying I was number 700.... I thought to myself that is a great number....
I am enjoying this process.
Much Love and Light.
Colette Lefaivre
One experience that I have had about giving back that will support your approach here, Patti: I have run a concert series in our community for over 20 years. 4 years ago we switched the organization that we use the concerts to raise money for to a youth home for delinquent teens that I have been a part of for over 30 years. When we made that change we decided that a way we could give back to the community for supporting out youth home for so many years would be to STOP CHARGING anyone under 18 for admission. It has been 4 years since we made this change and our ticket SALES to adults have doubled since we started giving back.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do.
Patti, Starting the day with gratitude is so important, not just for my heart but for my soul. Reaching out and taking a moment to connect with the universe and God is the only way to connect with oneself. Thanks you for reminding us of this very important time in our day. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteJo Ann Laplace
Lackawaxen, PA
Hello Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI wake up each morning with more thoughts of how grateful I am to being alive and having my family.I try to give warm greeting to everyone I meet with a smile. The world is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI sent an email to a friend that graving the loss of her mother two weeks ago to give her some encouragement that live goes on and the Lord works in ways that we can not understand, but he will reveal the reason in due time. It was not a handwritten note, but it was a message.
This has been an incredible week of gratitude!
ReplyDeleteI wake each day in prayer and gratitude, with affirmations and the iPerk (bless you, Dr. Troy!)
I have met some of the most amazing people, both locally and internationally who are coming together with a life of purpose.
One brand new friend sent me this message from an e-letter of Neal Donald Walsch, only minutes after our first conversation:
"On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
....that if you are willing, God is ready.
Here's what willingness "looks like": first, you have to be open. Then, you have to be ready. Finally, you have to be determined, and committed to action.
Anyone else reading this right now might wonder what's even being discussed. But you're not wondering. You know exactly what the situation is that we're talking about here."
It still gives me goosebumps :~)
My journey is no harder or easier than anyone reading this blog. My Usana business is 6 years old, and is not at all where it should be. My business became stagnant about 2 years ago for reasons unknown. Sure, I was going through all the motions, calling prospects, sharing products, holding meetings. But the stress of parenting a brain-injured son overwhelmed me. And the loss of confidence of my entire team was devastating to my tender ego.
I started the change, with some bumps along the way, heading toward this journey of purpose a while ago. But your call to action is at the right time, at the right place for me. I have written a weeks worth of letters of gratitude- and there are so many I want to thank! Sometimes I don't have an address, so I'm making personal phone calls, too. I have spoken with some whom I have not had contact in over 30 years! (hurray for facebook for helping this happen)
My cup overflows!
I am changing my focus to helping others at all times- (and Usana may not be the help they need at this momment) I am forming close relationships and strong bonds. I am teaming up with others who share a life of purpose and I give thanks every day!
Tithing through the business: I met with a single mom last Friday evening. She has multiple health issues herself, but the scariest for her was her daughter has an elevated A1c (prediabetic) Definitely a call to improve the family's health. At first she only wanted proflavanol, but learning more about Usana she decided on the Essentials, too. She is also thinking ahead in finances, and wanted to know a little about the business. When I said that if she really wanted to become involved with the business, I would help pay the balance in order for her to be able to purchase one business center. She looked at me funny, and said "no, I couldn't accept that- what if I failed?" I told her two things: people only fail when they quit, and that this was a gift- for her to do with as she saw fit. I also told her a little of our Project Purpose. Well, she was so impressed that she immediately started looking again- choosing bars and shakes that she could pay with her food budget. She stretched herself, I stretched to help her, and we now have a wonderful new start.
I'm so looking forward to the next 80 days, and the rest of my life, for "the purpose of life is to live with purpose."
Robin Thomas
Chapel Hill, NC
ReplyDeleteThis project is really interesting. Since I'm new to USANA and don't have any associates and have only just received my first cheque I can't give away BC's as recommended. So I decided to substitue the BC's with the eBDS.
I called up this lady who was very keen to become an associate but didn't have the money ealier this year. She had been giving me ideas and was compiling a list of sense spa guests for me. I offered to buy her the eBDS so she can join the referral programme and slowly work towards opening the BC. She was really happy that i was helping her out like this but when I started explaining the pacesetter programme to her and said that she wouldn't be able to participate in that as she wouldn't have a BC.
She turned around and said that she had managed to save up the money for 1 BC and would like to sign up and participate in the programme.
I feel that if I hadn't offered to buy her the eBDS she wouldn't have thought about signing up as an associate just yet.
I am about to sign up my first associate with the help of this project.
Thanks again for this project Patti.
ReplyDeleteI signed up an associate yesterday who is also my husband's niece. This woman has had a rough 10 years and is determined to make the business work for her. My husband and I gifted her a portion of her start up cost and she was so very very thankful. Her knowing that we care enough about her as a person to help with her startup has given her a great sense of belonging and worthiness. She signed up 48 hours ago and has already had a retail sale, two preferred customer sign-ups and we are doing a business presentation tomorrow! The gift of giving is awesome.
Oh my goodness! This is exactly what I needed! I started this morning with Gratitude,listened to some Gospel music on my way taking the boys to school. I got to work and emailed the person on my list, I felt so good today that it drew people to me, I thought to myself..this is working! I rewrote my goals, I was so psyched this morning. I can't wait to send out my inspirational email tomorrow, thank you Patti for giving me a boost. In one day my thinking has changed, I have 47 people on my list and the names keep coming in my head. I feel like I have a purpose now, and I believe I will continue Project Purpose for the rest of my days. Thanks Patti
ReplyDeleteI am completely amazed at how gratitude is coming back into my life by starting my day and ending my day with it! Today we had to get our flat tire fixed and the gentleman at the store was so nice and wonderful he didn't even let us pay for it! He even wanted to put the tire back on for us. My husband told him that he could do it so the gentleman said, "At least let me put it in your car for you!" You know who is getting a letter! =) The Law of Attraction working! I am so happy and grateful to be a part of this wonderful project!
ReplyDeleteI am sowing gratitude in the morning, by the afternoon I have reaped gratitude. I have noticed that the people that I see and greet when I'm dropping my boys off at school, when I am at the gas station, grocery store, people at my job etc, are receptive to my hello. I was in Sears on 3-26-09 and I saw my aunt, we began to talk about life and family. She had saw my article about Usana in the Benton Spirit and commented on how good my skin looked. My aunt was ready to checkout, I just followed her to the cashier, there was another lady being waited on, my aunt I continued to talk when the lady asked me if I wanted her to buy me a shirt. I said "okay", she just told me to pick out my size. It was amazing how the gratitude comes back around before the day is even over. I am thankful for this project.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited I got my first thank you card from Usana Corporate today. I had forgot all about getting a response back from the letters I mailed. So I was wondering when I got the mail why we were getting a letter from Usana Corporate. Thank you Patti for this great idea.
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI also received and email Thank You from Usana President FRED COOPER. He is so funny.
I too got an email from Fred Cooper! =)