Project 2 – Create
As we spend quiet time alone, part of the giving of our “time” each day will be to let our creative juices flow. It’s amazing what we can do for others and with our businesses if we allow “time” for this creativity. Our lives are so full of hussle and bussle with “to-do” lists that are never completed and many people demanding our time that many of us never spend any time creating. In fact, too many people don’t want to think because it will cause them to go into fear or worry, so their quiet time involves the TV which puts their minds into “sleep”. For 90 days, spend time alone and focused on creating for you, your business, your family, and your Project Purpose. Let your Heart of Purpose and your mind be free to create your future!
Patti, I am so grateful for this opportunity to do this as part of a huge group. Thanks for being such a great leader! 'Wild' Bill and I started on Monday and have each sent three cards so far...it is so exciting to send a card to someone...and who to send it to becomes so obvious each day! I wish I could be a fly on the wall to see them read it! Blessings, Dyann
ReplyDeleteYou rock, you definitely changed someone's life today. Not specifically mine and it hasn't happened yet. I will explain...in my "alone time" that you recommended each of us to have each day, I was just reading headlines on yahoo and one link led to another and I come across this story about organ donating chains and remembered you talking about "giving beyond our means" and thought I have to sign up. What better gift to give than possibly saving a life or at least improving one. So not only do I thank you but somewhere down the line someone we don't know does too. :)
My husband and I are just beginnig to see our way out of a very difficult financial situation brought on by my health problems. We give God the glory for His provision for our family that is allowing us to climb out of the debt pit we had fallen into. His provision includes the USANA opportunity. We have always tried to give something, as Paul says, in Corinthians I beleive it is, give as you are able.
ReplyDeleteGod has generously provided in answer to our prayers now we need to become disciplined to take it off the top and give as has been given to us. God doesn't need our money He needs our hearts to be obedient. I want to be His obedient servant because I love Him and am grateful for what He has done for me and the entire Body of Christ, His followers, through His son Jesus Christ.
Titheing will be an area of great challenge and growth for our family. Money management has not been my strong point over the years, yet God is bringing our whole family to a different level of stewardship and faithfulness because of all that has happened.
I am up to date on letter writing, and all have included a card. It has been a joy to actually tell others what I've thought but not taken the time to say. However, there are those on my list that I will find it challenging to write letters to and remain positive. These are the people God has brought into my life to teach me and prepare me for His plan for me also. I will pray for God's wisdom and He will show me what I need to know to write to these people. God's grace and wisdom surpasses all human understanding.
I too find the opportnity for titheing a business to be intrigueing. Though I am not presently in a position to do this, I will keep an open mind to this and see what the future brings.
Blessings Patti and all of my USANA family.
I love writing these notes every day. At first, I thought: "90 thank you notes! Wow, not sure about that one", but like Dyann mentioned earlier, every day it becomes SO obvious. So I just take it one day at a time and on the first day, I decided to write a letter to myself; isn't it where it all begins? Like Louise Hay would say, if you don't love yourself, how can the World love you? :)
ReplyDeleteNext is tithing. I just want to share that I have been doing it for a little over 3 years now and when I look at where I was then and where I am now; it is DAY AND NIGHT! It does come back in more ways than one, all we have to do is trust and just let go. Someone said that Money is like blood and we are a human body, so if the blood (money) is not "circulating", guess what happens?...
I also wanted to mention for the ones out there that are not religious: you don't have to be. From personal experience, I used to think that too, but learned through many teachers, that if you don't belong to a church, you just tithe to the place where you get inspiration from. So I send my tithes to authors that touch me, people that made a differnece in my life, they are plenty of places we get inspired from. So don't let that stop you.
Just thought I would share my experiences, if they can help anyone.
Have fun everyone. Patti, thanks a Million!
Good night,
Fatima :)
Hello Coach,
ReplyDeleteI shared with my daughter the Project Purpose and I told her how I made a comment. She was surprise because she know I am a private person. I am glad I have joined the group and able to share some of my feeling and thoughts. My family is going through some hardship at this time and we are staying focus on the Lord. I have always believe in giving and sharing with people less fortune than myself; not that I am a "Millionare". It feels great to share with others because the Lord provided for you and you should help others. May be this is not the topic for discussion, but I am writing from my heart. Continue to pray for me and the family.
I love this concept -- both aspects of it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea to send a note a day. Not an email, but an actual old fashioned note! All we get are bills and advertisements in the mail now a days. Bob and I are going to go shopping tomorrow and buy a weeks worth of special cards. Then we will address them to the 7 people for the week and set them on our desk so we don't forget. (They will be sitting there as a reminder for us each day to write a note in a card and drop it in the mail.)
Today we got amazing customer service from and IRS agent. After days of getting agents who were a total pain in the tail, this guy helped us figure out what was going on with the paperwork-- and he did it with a great attitude. (The others, well, I won't say what they were like.) Bob asked this guy for the name of his supervisor. We are sending our first card to this guy's supervisor thanking him for doing such a good job training this guy on customer service!!!
Who knows, maybe it will get him a raise. He deserves it as he was so helpful to us today. WE CAN MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE--ONE CARD AT A TIME!
Vicki Mihalyov
Gold Director, El Paso, TX
Ooops... I accidentally posted my "Project 3" response above here. (Instead of in the "Project 3" thread.) Does that mean I should go post my "Project 2" response in the "Project 3" thread? LOL
ReplyDeleteMaybe I will post both in both! :-)
Patti, you are totally RIGHT ON in everything you have posted so far. Living in an attitude of gratitude makes all the difference in life!
As for quiet time and creativity time! I have been starting the day like this for about a year now and what a difference it has made in my life--on every level. In fact, it is in this quite time with the Lord that He has blessed me with the creative ideas that have taken us to Gold Director and allowed us to help hundreds of people here in El Paso lose weight and get healthy!
I still cry with tears of joy when I watch the video of testimonials from our city-wide weight loss contest last year. God is doing amazing things! If anybody wants to look at the video it is at www.TrinityHealthCoaching.com
Vicki Mihalyov
Gold Director, El Paso, TX
Dear Patti:
ReplyDeleteThank you for showing us what it really means to be a Leader! To inspire so many people to touch other people's lives, in a concerted effort, it's simply amazing to me.
I got so inspired that, even though I am in Seattle visiting my daughter, I was able to enroll a wonderful lady who is a personal trainer, teaches Pilates and has a Masters degree in Corporate Wellness: simply put, the ideal person to represent Usana!
So, again, THANK YOU for inspiring us all to reach out! And by the way: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I don't know when it is, but best wishes go your way!
Sylvia Adler,
Orange County, California
I am currently looking for someone special to whom I can tithe a business. I have several friends in mind but that person will have to be willing to work the business as my partner and I want to make sure that they will at least try to do this business. I also give products to friends to try out. One gentleman suffered a broken arm and has nerve damage in his right arm. I gave him a set of essentials and although his nerve damage has not improved he told me that he was really feeling better after two weeks. I told him Jeremy Standfield's story and told him that there was no guarantee that his nerve damage would improve but given a chance it just might if he continued with the products. I can't wait to see him again so I can see how he is doing.
ReplyDeleteInvesting time to think and create! What a concept! It is so easy to live life without ever doing this. Thank you so much for providing the forum to encourage us to do this every day coming from a heart of gratitude, and with your encouragement to dig deep. I needed this! Thank you so much for your leadership and love!
Gold Director