Principle 1
Project 1 – Gratitude
*** Give yourself at least 10-30 minutes every morning for
Project 1, 2, and 3.
With “Hearts of Purpose”, we begin each and every day with gratitude. If possible, we should begin our day with amazing thoughts, a smile on our face, and anticipation for the day to begin. When times are difficult, we may have to search our soul for tiny things for which we are grateful. But always, we should have a list of “gratitude thoughts” that permeate our very being and keep us saying ‘thank you’ day by day and even hour by hour. Project Purpose is requesting that for 90 days, everyone begin the habit of “gratitude” FIRST thing in the morning. Begin writing down what you are most thankful for in a journal. It’s a great way to keep track of your thoughts. And we need to rid ourselves of a begrudging or negative attitude so we are not “manufacturing” gratitude.
I am thankful and greatly blessed to have my parents still living. I give thanks to my Heavenly Father for the opportunity to serve my earthly father as he prepares to return home to God. It is my privilege to honor my father and my mother in my care of them and I give glory to God for this time that I still have with them. Thank you, Lord, for this blessing of family.
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for my family and friends who continue to lift me up and support me in all my efforts. I am truly honored to share this journey called life with each soul that I meet. I am grateful for hugs. We all need them and love them, but so few hand them out. So I am sending a big hug to everyone who reads this post.
I am a recovering alcoholic and am extremely grateful to AA and God for each day of sobriety that I have.
ReplyDeleteI am also grateful to Dr. Wentz and his vision and this wonderful company called Usana. I came home from the San Diego celebration more convinced than ever that this is the right place for me and I have begun to do what I need to do to get my team formed and up and running.
I am grateful my wishes as a child were answered. 40 yrs ago starting @ age 8 I would wish for a pill that would get rid of my pain and make me feel better. Everyday for 10 yrs...I have bathed my cells, as of 1 yr ago no pain. I am very grateful
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for blogs (such as this one and http://blog.streamsministries.com/2007/12/), that help us keep our focus where it needs to be.
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for a company such as USANA and the values that they ascribe to. In turn, I am grateful for the people that those values attract, for the many friendships made and the many more to come. As much as I love the products and the business, it is the people in USANA that make the difference, and where the true value in USANA lies.
ReplyDeleteI am gratefull for USANA for givinng me health back. 11 years ago I did not know if I would make it to 55. Now I have surpassed that and many more. I am thankful to God for a wonderful wife who is very supportove of the business and the nutrition and skin care idea. I am thankful for the opportunity to travel and see new people almost every day.
ReplyDeleteIn the middle of a home move, I'm really happy to have found my USANA Natural toothpaste!
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for each new day given to me to live, to learn, and to serve. I am grateful for the chance I've been given to make a difference in the life of others by showing them love and kindness. I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me here in the country where I live and the constant reminders of God's fingerprints in this world. I am grateful that God is in control and I don't need to be. I am grateful that God loves me so much that He sent His only son to secure my salvation and life with Him in eternity. I am grateful to be called His beloved daughter, forgiven of my transgressions and and made whole. I am grateful for His grace and steadfast love and faithfulness for me.
ReplyDeleteI am grateful to be living in a country where you can speak freely, live any way you want, and have the chance to accomplish anything you want, if you believe you can. I love my life! -Fatima :)
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful to you Patti for creating a 90 day adventure based on gratitude that I can participate in with so many wonderful like minded people!
ReplyDeleteWith love and gratitude,
Thank you God! Thank you Usana! Thank you Patti! Thank you family! Thank you friends (old, new, & still to come)! Thank you fellow travelers on the road to true health and wealth! I am laugh-out-loud, dance-around-the-room GRATEFUL!!
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for each day that I am given...every day is truly a gift. I am thankful for other inspiring people such as those who commented here, my very supportive family, my wonderful daughter, my supportive friends and for the USANA family. Thank you Patti for your wondrous generosity in providing this opportunity to us all...you are truly a gift! And what you are doing is greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for every day that the Lord gives me life. For His great blessings in my life. For His saving grace, His mercies that endure day by day. I am grateful for so many supportive and inspiring comments on this blog and for Patti giving us this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteThank you Patti for new ambition. I printed the 3 e-mails and the beautiful wife that God gave me already has a letter written and a list 90 names long. We are travelling for a few days and may be behind a bit when we get back but we will work to catch up. I will take my laptop and some USANA newspapers and CD's so hopefully it will be a great trip. Temperature is much like one would expect at the North Pole so I am extrememly thankful for good vehicles with heaters.
ReplyDeleteToday I am grateful for forgiveness and reunions with those that care about me and me about them. God is such a wonderful spirit that can restore everything to us. Thank you God for letting me be a part of the Usana difference and family. Thank you for letting there be good in an unstable world.
ReplyDeleteWorship to the Lord... Expressions of heart-felt compassion... Service to the world. The images of hands on the launch of this Blog is very powerful.
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of the prophecy in Zechariah 8: "...let your hands be strong..." I am thankful I can put my hands to good work.
I,m so happy to be a part of such a wonderful,positive, feel good, you can do it team. I truly look at everyday with a new found belief that one by one, put together to form a team of common goals and good, we can make a HUGE difference.
ReplyDeleteWow! I feel so privileged to be a part of a family like this and am extremely grateful to Patti for motivating us to discover the champions in each one of us. Thank you Patti God Bless you all heaps!
ReplyDeleteI start and end each day with a "gratitude rant". I say to myself all the things of the day I am or will be grateful for. This is a wonderful practice to remind myself of the blessings I already have, and to raise my vibrations for the blessings that are on their way!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful to God for a wonderful and supportive family and working with Usana because of Usana's products I am able to regain my health back. I am so grateful to be able to introduce this great company to other people who are sort of lost and have no awareness about healthy life style.
ReplyDeleteHad a GREAT 2-day booth over the weekend at a county event with visitors from the Keys to Brazil, many of whom will attend our in-home Health and Nutrition Seminars this week. I made new friends and feel lives were touched by my just being there and loving them with God's love and offering the knowledge of USANA. Was blessed w meeting leaders in the community, one who is part of 20+ organizations, with links to future booths and fitness events and possibly several Asian communities. Best of all, God brought me face-to-face with my former boss from NY, who now lives in the Keys, who i had not seen in over 15 years! And even crossed my path with the sister of an american indian tribe chief who i was praying to contact, to impact that community. Only God could have orchestrated all that, and for that and all things I give Him the glory. Most of all that He has relieved Mom of her suffering from diabetes and ESRD, and is using that painful experience to enable me to reach out to others with His compassion and loving heart, to hopefully spare/relieve their suffering and pain. In the darkest times, His love shines the brightest, and our heavy load is so light, bcse he carries us along somehow. May we never forget who He is, nor step away from Him nor abiding in His love.
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful for being able to raise my 14-year-old son. I also want to thank the lord Jesus Christ for allowing me to have my parents around in good health.
ReplyDeleteI'm now a silver director on my way to gold and loving the journey. I plan to help as many people as possible to realize their hidden talents and potential as they too are able to reach True Health & True Wealth with USANA
Blessings to all of you......
I am grateful to God for Patti Roney to challenge us with this project to do more. I know tithing is the answer my husband and I have been tithing for years. We both were retired before Usana and living on fixed incomes. My husband has Congestive Heart Failure and I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. But our Usana products are keeping us going along with prayer.Yes, Luke 6:38 says "give and shall be given back to you,good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom and what so ever we give shall be given back to us". Everyday I wake up I thank God for giving me another chance to give back.
ReplyDeleteThank You Patty
I am truly blessed that God has not only led me to USANA but now to Project Purpose. What a great undertaking Patti, and I'm very grateful to be part of this like minded group.
ReplyDeleteI am greatful for being a live and having the blessing of the Lord on myside. I am greatful for my family who is in fairly good health and especially my two grand children who I am greatful for having in my life.
ReplyDeleteBlessing to all.
I am grateful to being introduced to USANA, this wonderful challenge and the opportunity to help others and myself acheive things we might never of thought possible!
ReplyDeleteThanks Patti!
Just finished reading Principle #2. I've known about and practiced tithing for years, with varying levels of commitment. I deeply believe in this principle and know that whenever I find myself thinking I can't do it, it's time to go deeper in my faith.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm absolutely blown away by is the idea of "tithing" business opportunities! I've been struggling for weeks now with knowing that there are people who really want to do this but can't seem to get past the "spending money" obstacle. So this really resonates with me. Maybe I can't give much--yet!--but it's a very inspiring and motivating goal. Patti, you are a true instrument of God and a wonderful model of selfless giving. When I thank you, I'm really thanking God who is using you to do His work.
I'm so grateful that I have a wonderful family!
ReplyDeletePatti - Thanks for creating this project purpose. I've been tithing for almost 4 years now, and always to the penny. Within the last few months I've started to round up to the nearest dollar, but I love this concept of "strecthing" ourselves.
I just went to the USANA website and added the 10 dollar donation to CHF for our next autoship and I've commited to tithe an extra 2%.
I've sent out a card everyday and I enjoy thinking about whose life I can enrich by doing one the next day.
Well today, as much as I don't want to say it, I am grateful for emergency rooms and medical science.
ReplyDeleteI don't like drugs, but I am grateful for those medical advances that save lives and make those life saving drugs available.
I am also extremely grateful for USANA nutritionals. A minor thing, made even more minor with optimal nutritional. I love my essentials. I am so grateful to Dr. Wentz.
What could have been much worse, wasn't.
I am grateful for that.
I am greatful to God for my family, also to Dr Wentz for founding Usana and upholding it to such high standards. He has truely developed the products that have done marvelous things in our lives. God is truely graceous! I thank Patti for leading this great adventure and agree that giving is truely great. I have practiced it for quite awhile and the blessings truely do follow.
ReplyDeleteJust would like to share these thoughts:
ReplyDeletePhilippians 4:8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Thought for the Day: Good Thoughts Bring Life
Reflection for the Day: Negative Thinkers Create Negativity
Thoughts are mighty. They lead us into either a positive or a negative attitude. It is true that we are bombarded with a variety of thoughts, but we have the right to emphasize either the negative or the positive ones. Paul stresses the importance of placing our attention on that which is true, honest, just, and pure. It tells us to consider things that are lovely and of a good report. As we think on things of virtue and praise we will add life, not negativity.
Your thoughts will add or take life from you and those that you interact with. Insist on placing your thoughts on the positive, rejecting the negative. Though there are many challenges in life that discourage all at times, there is much that is positive. Give thought to the things of virtue and a good report. It will result in a happier and more positive you. Good thoughts bring life.
I found the following verses to be incredibly inspiring and wanted to share them with you all!
ReplyDeleteMatthew 6:21
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Malachi 3:10
"Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need."
I am grateful for my USANA vitamins! Yesterday, Darren (my husband) & I were feeling awful, like we were coming down with something, so we tripled our dose of Proflavanol & Calcium and volla! Today we are feeling much better!!! Praise God & Thank-you Dr. Wentz for developing such powerful products that strengthen our bodies to ward off sickness! Have a Great Purpose Driven day everyone!
ReplyDeleteThis has been an awesome experience as I write an email, make that call or send a card to someone on my list.Each letter or call brings my heart into moments of gratefulness as I recall the wonderous friends and family that God has given me. I cherish the early a.m. spent in prayer, study and meditation to my LORD. My heart sings as I give from the storehouse. I feel so blessed already so where will I be in 90 days? Dorie from NM
ReplyDeleteI am grateful that just had a healthy and happy baby and that I can work from home with my children.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the middle of rereading all the Project Purpose emails & just wanted to share about a paragraph in Robert Kiyosaki's The Business School Book that I feel has a lot to do with the "money" issue most people have.
ReplyDeleteRobert Kiyosaki was conducting a class and was reviewing the 2 purposes to join a network marketing company. According to Robert, #1 is to do it for yourself. When he asked the class what #2 was, the first person said that the #2 reason was to help other people make "money". Robert gently said no, the #2 reason to join a network marketing company is to help other people get across from the "E" and the "S" quadrant to the ?B" and the "I" quadrant. (Previously he had discussed with the class about how "money" stops most people both rich & poor)
I have come to believe that this simple concept is one of the biggest reasons so many people have trouble building a successful business. We do not DECIDE to have a "B" mindset and then do the long term work to make that happen.
Hope this little story will be valuable to you.
Carolyn Cahors
I forgive everyone that I feel have cause me harm. I have reached a place in my life that I can actual say the word, "Forgive".
ReplyDeleteThank you Patti.
I thank God that He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ on the Cross for our healing, for the forgiveness of our sins, and for our salvation. I thank Jesus for being my best friend. I thank God for my family, my brothers & sisters, my relatives & friends including the Usana family & Dr Wentz's vision. I thank God for a very special lady 'Patti Rooney' who is making a great contribution in the lives of so many of us. What a blessing you are to all of us. Thank you Patti for your precious time, your input, your encouragement, your love&commitment to make this Purpose journey such a special&memorable one. I will always be grateful to you beautiful generous Patti. May God bless you & your loved ones in all areas of your life. You have blessed me so much, thank you again.
My gratitude is just overflowing and makes me speechless. There is nothing that my life is lacking and never a moment that I should not be thankful for. I thank the Lord my God for a life filled with blessings and joy. May each of you reading this be blessed and recieve joy from God. And to the person who posted the hug for everyone, thank you! As hugs can heal many hurts....
ReplyDeleteGratitude letters are now coming in from corporate to those who wrote them! What a wonderful surprise to receive these. I am so grateful to have a corporate office that will take the time and demonstrate that they too care to this degree. It made a huge impact on me and I am even MORE grateful for each and every one of them! Isn't is wonderful that "what goes around, comes around"?
ReplyDeleteJust reading email #17, I was talking to my sister yesterday about the same things, how I talk with people, react, not listening to negatives. I was saying how differently I felt toward my boys, I'm more patient with them, I am in control of the situation. I'm not rushing my words with them, letting anger or bitterness rise up. My relationship with my co-workers, my church family and my natural family has changed, my attitude towards them is different. I know that it's me that has changed because of this project we're doing. Sometimes negative have thoughts come, I deal with them and push them out, some people try and talk trash (words that are not profitable)about things or people, I put up my stop sign and say "STOP" I am not a garbage can. I appreciate this project and I wanted to share what's going on with me. God Bless
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for being a part of the Usana family and especially thankful for Patti and the gifts God has given her for being faithful to Him and sharing with others.
ReplyDeleteThanks Patty and Family for putting Project Purpose together.
ReplyDeleteI thank the Lord everyday for my Blessings.
This just brings to light all that I am grateful for.
I am so happy to be part of it.
Thank you Patty for all you do!