This principle can be called the 'tithe', a 'portion', a 'percentage', or 'first fruits'. This principle is Biblically tied, written about in most every wealth book, and, for many, has become the only way to live and be financially successful. Many run from this idea because they are too short on income as it is. They cannot imagine how to begin to give any of their income away. But, the formula is actually amazing as you watch it unfold!
The principle is based on 10%. Financial books or experts will say "Give 10%, Save 10% and spend the rest. Others will say "Give 10%, Save 10%, Invest 10% and spend the rest." But, the majority always begins with the "give" principle first.
So, how do we begin? Who do we choose to receive this 'portion'? How will we survive on less than we have right now? Is this principle actually THAT important? Can we become successful and wealthy without the "giving" principle?
If you have never practiced this 'tithe', then you may feel the need to begin with 1% or 2% or 5%. If you have already begun there, then this may be the time you raise the amount to 10% and really experience your life when practicing this weekly, joyfully, and enthusiastically! And if you have been in the habit of tithing your 10%, then this may be the time for you to really jump in and raise your tithe! You may want to experience life in the category of a 12% tithe, a 15% tithe or a 20% tithe! I say "experience life in the category of 12, 15, or 20" because life takes an incredible jump when you go above the 10%!!!
Are there actually people who go above 20%??? Wow! Yes, there are! And the only ones I know who have been so wild as to experiment with this going 'way above' are millionaires! And if you are putting God into the gifting, I will say it this way. You cannot outgive God!
This principle is actually what gave me the idea for Project Purpose a year ago. I realized when the economy began to crumble, that everyone...absolutely everyone needed to know this principle and begin to practice it! I told my son, Brandt, that just this one principle would make so much difference to so many people's lives during this time! It was a principle that we had lived with for years and years. And when we went to the library and began to go through wealth books, it was there! Book after book discussed this principle. We were designed to be grateful, giving and loving people and when we are, wonderful things begin to happen!

Patti Roney